Hampton Roads DUI Lawyer

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Hampton Roads DUI Lawyer

Hampton Roads DUI Lawyer

Have you been arrested for DUI in Hampton? DUI laws vary between states and counties within states, so you need a professional criminal defense attorney to help ensure that this mistake does not impact the rest of your life. A DUI conviction can threaten your ability to work at a variety of jobs that require a professional driver's license, your freedom to drive where and when you wish, and to live without the worry that this mistake will haunt you for years.

Can you afford the costs, both obvious and hidden, that a DUI generates? Your first DUI can cost you a $300 fine, plus the expense of having your car towed or impounded, court costs, driving school costs – the list is endless. You can't afford not to hire the best attorney for the job in Hampton: Michael C. Tillotson.

The possible penalties for a first time DUI conviction in this area, as well as out-of-pocket expenses, include jail time, probation, driving school , community service, meetings with a probation officer, and losing your license for at least six months. These are huge inconveniences in everyday life. A professional, experience DUI attorney ensures that your rights are protected and that your mistake minimally impacts your life.

There are layers of DUI laws that require an experienced professional to sift through them. If you were transporting a minor at the time of your DUI arrest, your blood-alcohol content (BAC) was over .15 percent, or there was an accident with injuries or property damage for which you are responsible, your case is much more complex than a standard DUI. Don't take any chances that your attorney will let something slip past that will impact you for years: hire an attorney experience in the laws in Hampton, Virginia.

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