Virginia Administrative License Suspension

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Virginia Administrative License Suspension

Unless you live in a big city, public transportation probably isn’t very convenient. Imagine having to wake up early and walking a mile to the bus stop just to make it to work. That wouldn’t be pleasant even in the best of conditions. If you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), this situation could happen to you.

You may have heard about the penalties you face if convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). They include time in jail, hefty fines, and mandatory alcohol education classes. What you might not know is that your license will be suspended automatically when you are arrested for driving while intoxicated.

This is known as an Administrative License Suspension. When you are arrested for suspicion of DUI, you will automatically lose your license for seven days. If this is your second time being arrested for DUI, your license will be suspended for 60 days or until your case goes to trial (whichever day comes first).

If you are convicted of DUI, you will face a license suspension in addition to this administrative license suspension.

If you have recently lost your license in Virginia due to DUI arrest, you should talk to an attorney who is experienced in DUI defense. Michael C. Tillotson is the lawyer you need. With years of experience defending clients who have been accused of drunk driving, you can rest assured he can help you too. For a free consultation, please fill out our online contact form right now.

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