Suffolk DUI Lawyer

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Suffolk DUI Lawyer

Suffolk DUI Lawyer

Getting a DUI in Suffolk, as elsewhere, is a serious offense that has a great impact on your life. You need a professional attorney to guide you through the many complex layers of Virginia DUI law. You need Michael C. Tillotson, criminal defense attorney, to help you avoid:

• Jail time of anywhere from one day to one year

• Fines of at least $300, plus court costs

• Revocation or suspension of your personal or professional driver's license

• Being forced to attend ‘DUI School' through the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program - a cost of around $300

• Installation of an ignition interlock system at your expense that requires an alcohol-free breath test before the vehicle will start

• Vehicle impoundment

• Escalating insurance costs – or refusal

• Probation

• Community service

Michael Tillotson is a criminal defense attorney with years of experience assisting Suffolk residents and those arrested in Suffolk in protecting their rights.

DUI laws vary between states and counties, so hire the best: hire an attorney experienced in Virginia DUI law as it applies to Suffolk. Attorney Tillotson will lead you through the maze of the legal system one step at a time. You need to know what to do so that your mistake does not impact you for the rest of your life.

If you have been arrested for drunk driving in Suffolk, speak to Michael Tillotson for immediate help and make your mistake go away.

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